Paragraph Styles

Paragraph Styles

Starter Template

If you just want to get started, you can download this template that showcases most features available:


All paragraph styles are defined within a table

  • having a header row (ignored), and

  • in the leftmost column are the names of the referenced word styles

  • further columns are ignored and can be used to add examples or any other supporting information.










Paragraph styles define a reference to word styles that can then be used in various nodes (such as paragraph nodes and section nodes).

  • They allow the definition of a default style that is used whenever no style is given.

  • Usually paragraph nodes are produced as plaintext with an optional style applied to them.

  • If the content is surrounded with <html></html> though, it is produced as HTML.

Paragraph nodes

The logic for using a style in paragraph nodes is as follows:

  1. If the paragraph node is a direct child of a layout node and no style is specified, use the style of the slot it is in

  2. If a style is specified, use it

  3. If a style is specified but it doesn’t exist, generate a warning and use no style at all

  4. If no style is specified, use the default style. If no default style exists, use none at all.

  5. If the special “none” style is specified, use no style at all

Section nodes

The logic for using a style in section nodes is as follows:

  1. If a style is specified, use it

  2. If a style is specified but it doesn’t exist, generate a warning and use the style “Header x” where x is the level of the section node in the abstract report tree

  3. If no style is specified, use the default one. If no default style exists, use the style “Header x” where x is the level of the section node in the abstract report tree

  4. If the special “none” style is specified, use the “Header x” algorithm for finding a style.


The “Header x” logic for setting the style based on the level of the section node works with the levels in the tree, not the section nodes themselves. This means that the first section node has to be the root of the abstract report, the second level the child of the root and so forth. If there is a NoOpNode first and after that a section node, this rule is not applied.


The metadata comment must be set on the referenced style in the table.

The available options are default and noStyle. The default option define which style to use if no style is given:

The noStyle option defines the marker style that can be used to override the default style and use no style at all:


Example 1: Showing a simple case for paragraph styles

Example 2: Showing how the style based on the level of the section is used


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