Working with Labels (Dictionary)

Working with Labels (Dictionary)

The dictionary stores all labels and their translations into all required reporting languages.

Default translation

The user can provide a default translation that will be used if no translation for the specific language has been provided.

The default language should never be used to prevent an error message by providing a translation like “No translation was found”

Missing translations

If neither a translation for the specific report language nor a default translation is found

  • the execution will report an issue (of type error)

  • the report will show the text [TRANS:label] where the translated label should be rendered

Using translations

Translations are used at multiple places:

User Interface


The user interface allows the user to search for translations containing a specific text either in the label or the translations

Search for missing translations

Having selected the languages of interest, the button “Only missing translations” can be used to find gaps in translations.


Edit a translation

Operations on dictionary


On the dictionary level there are the following operations

  • “New Translation”: create a new translation (see Edit for screenshot)

  • “Export Excel”: export the currently selected labels and languages to an Excel file (so a translator can be asked to fill the gaps)

  • Export: get the dictionary as json

  • Upload: upload a dictionary as json

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