Working with Drafts

Working with Drafts

To prevent unintended effects on productive (batch) reporting, Cinnamon supports the concept of drafts. A draft object is a copy of a published object that has been altered but not yet to affect production. Drafts are available on the following object types:

  • Report Types

  • Segmentations

  • Profiles

  • Figure Catalogs

Operations on draft objects

Creating or updating draft objects:
Every time you save an object, the changes are stored to a draft object. If there already existed a draft object, this draft is updated. So for every object, there can only be a single draft object.


“Deleting” a draft object:
Draft objects will be automatically deleted if you choose to “revert to last published version”


Publishing a draft object:
When publishing a draft object, the published object will be overwritten with the draft object (or created if there was no published object). After publishing there will be no draft object remaining.

Publishing is possible from:

  • the list of e.g. reportTypes, where the buttons change to "publish"/"revert"

  • the new view "All Objects" that currently just shows all drafts in the system and lets you select multiple draft objects and offers buttons for publish or revert

Testing reports

To test your changes, you can run reports that consume all available draft objects (instead of their published versions). For this to happen, you have to set the “Use Draft Objects” flag (or set the parameter useDrafts to true).


When producing a report using draft objects, an information message is produced into the executions list of issues about all draft objects selected in this execution.



Object metadata

Cinnamon collects metadata about your objects to help understand who and when edited an object:

  • creation: user & time

  • modification: user & time

  • publication: user & time

The metadata can be inspected from the UI at several places.


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