This page tree gives an overview about Cinnamon’s (current) interface for data consumption

The following data interfaces are proposed to allow for the production of full-fledged fund and mandate reports.

Interfaces Overview




To control the contents of a mandate report, several master data points are needed (valid at the given reporting data):

  • client / portfolio / pm name

  • mandate / performance start dates

  • benchmark / strategy definition

  • etc.


  • Additional master data for funds (e.g. sales registrations, shareclasses, cost transparency, etc.)


Interface to deliver portfolio valuation data (valid at the reporting date) to produce:

  • asset allocation breakdowns along several segmentations

  • position lists (full, top-n) with details like CUSIP, ISIN, Valor, Instrument Name etc. 


Interface to deliver benchmark valuation data (valid at the reporting date) to produce:

  • asset allocation breakdowns along several segmentations

  • comparison of portfolio weights to benchmark weights 


One or multiple interfaces to deliver performance / return data:

  • for a given period

  • for the portfolio as well as the associated / chosen benchmark

  • on portfolio level vs. on segment / instrument level


Interfaces that return data about the source and decomposition of performance.


Ex post risk figures


Interface that return data about the ex-ante risk and risk decomposition of the portfolio.


  • the portfolios current risk status (CSAM specific calculation based on past returns)


P&L figures on portfolio level


List of transactions


Projected Cashflows


  • information about guideline checking (BVV2, investment restrictions) etc.


Returns for a list of instruments and for a given period


Interface to fetch all base segmentations from the DWH

Data availability, quality & security

Interfaces to support a data-driven report production and allow transparency of data quality within reports, e.g.

  • get list of portfolios with their last status per quality level (unpublished vs. signed-off)

  • get lists of portfolios to be authorised for local reporting specialists (e.g. SG-based)

Technological Aspects




Structured Files

Json (or XML)

  • Wherever adding to the understandability of data, structuring should be used

  • Examples are

    • Flexible number of breakdown segments should not be deliverd as normal tags but listed by abstract <segment> tag

    • Flexible numbers of measures

    • Flexible number of legs, unbundling instruments

    • Groups of fields that can be reused between portfolio and benchmark data or between calls

    • etc.

Data format


  • Json is more compact then XML and most easily consumed at reporting engine side (but we can also consume XML)

  • please only use JavaScript compatible identifiers (e.g. no "-")

Data validations

schema and other checks

  • Cinnamon will check the response against the agreed schema (e.g. json-schema) as well as do additional data validity checks (e.g. monthly returns should not miss a month within the defined period)

Request & Parameters

mirrored in response

  • The full API request is mirrored in the response including:

    • The path

    • All parameters passed

Error handling

use response status codes

If the request can't be fulfilled an appropriate response status code (4xx or 5xx) must be used. Possible errors could be

  • bad request structure → expected status = 400

  • portfolioId not found or reportingDate in future → expected status = 404

  • etc.

The body of the response should contain information about the reason of the error in plain text or as json object.

Network Protocol

HTTP / restful API

  • Standard technology to communicate between services

  • could also send XQuery execution but this would bring data hub technical design dependency to the report engine



  • body of reply should be compressed


no paging

  • While many UI-oriented rest-interfaces do paging, we don't propose paging because

    • a batch reporting mechanism can't work without the complete response (some responses like valuations are hierarchical by nature)

    • Cinnamon has proven to work even with large response sizes (~1GB)

Interface Versioning


  • we propose to have only major versioning in the URL (minor versions should be neutral to clients by definition)

  • we propose to add a /LATEST version



  • The Cinnamon server will authenticate itself to the data source by a server certificate (other methods on request)

Data Versioning


  • Additional metadata should be added to the result that uniquely depict the timestamp/version of the data (for data lineage reasons)

  • The report engine will not consider this information in process the data (e.g. business logic)