What is the “Reporting Process”
The Reporting Process in the context of Cinnamon Reporting software is the process to produce flexible, high-quality output about products or clients. An overall sample reporting process can be summarised in the following diagram:

A Cinnamon Reporting Solution will consist of multiple components that interact to control, monitor & automate the above shown overall reporting process:
Cinnamon Reporting & Portal Services
The Cinnamon Reporting & Portal services support the production & distribution of reports by supporting the following sub-processes:
Sub-Process | Description |
Report ordering | Reports can be ordered from Cinnamon as Ad-hoc orders: to be produced once and immediately from available data Scheduled orders: to be produced periodically and triggered by the availability of data Batch orders: produce multiple reports from a single order
A Report Order captures all information (parameters) needed for Cinnamon Reporting to start one (or multiple) Report Execution (s) that correctly produce(s) the desired output(s). Read more under Report Ordering (Features) |
Report scheduling & execution | Scheduling is the process of analysing all stored orders, to see if a Report Execution should be triggered. The preconditions for a report execution can be:
Data availability: is data available for the given reportingDate and minimumDataQuality ? Past executions: has the same data already been produced? Validity period: Scheduled orders can have a scheduling start and end date. Frequency:
When a Report Execution is triggered either by an ad-hoc order or by data availability matching a scheduled order, the following steps are executed The Parameters from the order are read The Report Type , defining the structure of the ordered report, is interpreted All Building Blocks contained in a report type are interpreted using the selected data An Abstract Report is produced The abstract report is sent for rendering (if needed)
Read more under Report Production (Features) |
Report rendering | Abstract Reports can be rendered to user-friendly formats as
Online reports don’t need any server-side rendering, as the rendering typically is done by the web browser. Read more under Report Rendering (Features) |
Report delivery | Read more under Report Delivery (Features) |
Overview of Report Executions serving into the Monthly Reporting Workflows
The following overview shows the production process for a periodic order by usage of scheduled or ad-hoc executions within the context of monthly reporting workflows: