* All figures used within an attribution object should be defined in the figures declaration
* A model referenced in an attribution object has to be declared under models
* Every effect used within an attribution object has to be a declared effect of the referenced model
* Every effect declared within a model has to be also declared as figure
* If the attribution has a segmentationId, it also has to deliver the breakdown
* All effects of a model having effectAggregation = sum should sum up to the value of the figure they explain
* All figure having an aggregationMethod = sum has to match the top level figure value when summing up the breakdown figure values
* All attribution objects have to name a period that ends earlier than or at the reportingDate
* All end dates of attribution periods have to be the same and have to be a month's ultimo date
* All period's start dates have to be earlier than the end date
* All segmentations referenced in attribution objects have to be declared within the response
* All segments used within the breakdown of an attribution object have to be declared as segments of the attributions segmentation |